How My New Mic Works with Dragon NaturallySpeaking!!!
Well I have to say that this headset works remarkably well with Dragon NaturallySpeaking. I have tested it out into different areas of my computer,…
Charge your iphone or android with a 9v battery
Parts list 1x LM7805: 5v voltage regulator4x 22K ohm Resistors1x 220 ohm resister1x Red LED1x 22 microfarad capacitor1x 0.022 microfarad capacitorfor this video bread board1x…
Learn C# direction’s
I am still trying to reconstruct a way to do Learn C# as i no longer have Microsoft office anymore. Next up in the Series…
Small Kindle Fire Review
For Christmas i got my mother a Kindle Fire, This is my pro’s and Con’s list on it. pros: The screen is a perfect size…