Cosplayers at the 2017 Cosplay Beach Party
Last Saturday I went to the 2017 Cosplay beach party. It was fun and I got to meet some great people. Got to hang…
Cosplayers at Motor City Steam Con
2 weeks ago I went to the 2017 Motor City Steam Con. It was fun I just wish I had time to be there longer…
Cosplayers at Bowl-A-Con in Livonia
over the weekend (July 14-16 2017) I went to Bowl-A-Con. It had a alright turnout on Saturday. Here are the cosplayers I got photos of…
Cosplyers at the 2017 Adrian Comic Con
Last Saturday I went to Adrian Comic Con (Run by http://www.yourcomiccon.com) I also got a photo shoot with two people there (post to come). I…
Nightmare b4 Youmacon event
This last Saturday I went to the Nightmare b4 Youmacon had a blast. Got to meet some cool people and most importantly I got to…